How to prevent high blood pressure
While high blood pressure is a serious health problem, there is good news. No matter what your age or physical condition, there are things you can do to prevent high blood pressure.To help prevent high blood pressure, the following are important even if you are already suffering from it;
1. Are you over weight? Light up your weight.
You can prevent high blood pressure by shedding and keeping a healthy weight. You can start by limiting the portion and size of your meals and snacks, and cut way back on high calorie foods. Loosing weight will help to lower your blood pressure.
2. Be mindful of your heart, planning your meals
Eat a diet that is more of fruits and vegetables. Stay clear from food with high saturated fats and cholesterols. A healthy heart prevents blood pressure.
3. Eat less salt and sodium
Blood pressure is increased by the intake of salt and sodium. When eating canned foods buy the ones with low salt and sodium. Reducing salt intake can prevent blood pressure.
4. Are you an alcoholic? Practice moderation.
It is recommended that men should have no more than two drinks per day and women have no more than one.
5. Increase the rate of physical exercise
The main factor in preventing high blood pressure is exercise. Step up your arte of exercising daily to burn excess fats from your system.
6. Cease smoking
Research shows that smoking increases the chances of developing heart disease, stroke and several forms of cancer.
7. Take your medication seriously
Take seriously your medications prescribed by your doctor. If you are plagued with high blood pressure, don't be shy to ask questions or get medical opinion.
8. Discuss with your doctor
Learn what your blood pressure reading means to your health and if medication is recommended for you to treat or prevent high blood pressure.