Permanent cure of Leucorrhea by homeopathy - Alumina
This Resource is an informative article of the usage of Homeopathic Medicine Alumina in conditions like Leucorrhea.
Leucorrhea is a common entity and every woman has Leucorrhea in lesser or higher quantity, generally before, during or after the menses. Lecorrhea becomes a trouble if it increases in intensity which many women face in their life.
Alumina is a Homeopathic medicine and is indicated in Leucorrhea which has a causative factor of recurrent infections which can be both Systemic or local. Systemic reasons can be due to a underlying infection in the body or a local focus of infection in the Female reproductive tract / organs.
The other important signs where Alumina gets indicated for Leucorrhea are for those women who have a abnormal craving for indigestible substances like charcoal, chalk, mud and alike. Constitutionally, women who lack of exercise and are suffering from Anemia (Anaemia), are liable to repeatedly suffer from Leucorrhea.
When the dicharges of Leucorrhea are acrid, profuse, transparent, burning sensation along the genital tract and sometimes ropy such that the leucorrhea discharge can be drawn like long threads, Alumina acts as a favourable remedy for Leucorrhea.
The burning sensation in the genitals of the woman are relieved by washing them with cold water and leucorrhea is thick mucus like and yellow in colour which frequently runs like on the inner sides of the thighs.
The menses in such patients frequently have scanty menses which are always delayed and the menstrual discharge is pale in colour. Patient is exhausted by the constant menses and leucorrhea. Anaemia and Intercurrent constipation is always present.
Alumina is also indicated in women suffering from Leucorrhea who feel their Vagina to be dry and their working habits are sluggish with heaviness, staggering and numbness in their movement and physical activities.
Lack of Vital Heat and Constipation are characteristic features of the Medicine Alumina in Homeopathy. Stools are Dry, Hard, Knotty along with stitching and burning type of pains with vertigo which are worse in the morning. Many a times women suffering from Leucorrhea may have sorness, dryness and inflammation and paretic condition of the rectum and cannot bear cold weather, Alumina works well in such patients.