Treatment of Leucorrhea by homeopathy - Borax
This Resource is an informative article of the usage of Homeopathic Medicine Borax in conditions like Leucorrhea.
Leucorrhea is a common entity and every woman has Leucorrhea in lesser or higher quantity, generally before, during or after the menses. Lecorrhea becomes a trouble if it increases in intensity which many women face in their life.
Indicative actions of Borax in leucorrhea
Borax is a Homeopathic medicine and is indicated in Leucorrhea when it is white in colour like the colour of egg white. The patient has a sensation of a hot fluid flowing through her genitalia with menses coming too early along with gripin pain in the abdomen which extend to the small of back. The women alwayss has Leucorrhea after menses and that too after every menses. The woman suffers from Membranous Dysmenorrhea along with pain in the breats during menses which is the characteristic presentation and indicative of Borax as a suitable remedy for Leucorrhea in such patients.
Psychological Factors favouring Borax for Leucorrhea
Psychology of such women play an important role when deciding upon having Homeopathic medicine Borax for Leucorrhea. Borax patients are extremely anxious when the Leucorrhea starts. They are always anxious about their health and about their future. They think that there future will be doomed when having Leucorrhea and they will never get better of it. Such women with whitish Leucorrhea discharge will have voluptous dreams and cannot sleep as they will have a feeling of cobweb around the face and hands with itching of back of fingers, joints and hands.
The woman when suffering from Leucorrhea becomes anxious during downward motion like when walking downstairs and has a great fear of heights and on looking downwards. Fear of falling down is a marking note for taking or precribing Homeopathic medicine Borax when the lady suffers from Whitish and Hot Leucorrhea.
Is there is no other treatment for leucorrhea. please send the answer.