Causes and Symptoms of Mesothelioma
This article gives complete information on what causes Mesothelioma and what are the symptoms of Mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to particles of asbestos. While studies have show that nearly 80% of Mesothelioma cases were a result of exposure to asbestos particles, there have been cases of Mesothelioma not caused by it.
A person working in a field that uses asbestos fibres or sheets will be highly likely to have asbestos particle entering the body through the nose or mouth. Examples: people who work in a cement or textile factory; people who work in a ship-breaking yard; people who work in a workshop making shingles for a roof, etc.Symptoms of Mesothelioma
While symptoms of many diseases appear within a few days, weeks or a month, this is not the case with mesothelioma. Studies have shown that most often the symptoms of mesothelioma appear after nearly thirty years. Also, these symptoms may not necessarily be the result of having mesothelioma; they could be caused by some other disease.
Some of the symptoms of mesothelioma: Pain in the specific region of the organ affected by mesothelioma is generally a common factor across most forms of mesothelioma.
There are other symptoms too of the various types of mesothelioma. Here a few:
1. Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma
(i) You feel a pain in the abdomen.
(ii) You lose weight a good deal.
(iii) Your bowel movements are hindered.
(iv) You suffer from fever and anemia.
2. Symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma:
(i) You feel a pain in the region of your chest.
(ii) You find it difficult to breathe properly.
Note:The author of this article is not a medical expert & readers are advised to consult a specialist for symptoms and other details on mesothelioma.