Definition and terms regarding Diarrhea
This resource is a informational article about definitions regarding diarrhea.
Definition and terms regarding Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be defined in absolute or relative terms based on stool frequency or consistency (relaxation) in the stool.
Frequency of bowel movement. diarrhea is absolutely normal to have more bowel. Accordingly, since the maximum number of healthy individuals on a daily bowel movement is about three, diarrhea can be defined as an unlimited number of stools is greater than three. Compared to intestinal diarrhea is more normal. Thus, if the person who usually has a bowel movement every day, two bowel movements every day, then diarrhea, although there is no more than three daily bowel diarrhea that is not an absolute.
stool consistency. absolute diarrhea is more difficult to define on the basis of stool consistency, stool consistency can vary considerably among healthy subjects according to their diet. Thus, individuals who consume large quantities of vegetables have more flexible stools that those who eat few vegetables. Liquid or loose stools are always considered abnormal and diarrhea. on diarrhea is more easily defined according to stool consistency. Thus, an individual develops looser than usual stools, diarrhea - even if the stool may be in the range of normality with regard to consistency.