What is Neurosis
Neurosis is a presentation of today's world with increasing levels of stress in the living standards of the day. Stress management is not always possible for all and can lead to disturbed life and with feeling of suffering from various diseases when actually one does not suffer from any disease and also the pathological investigation reports also report normal findings. Neurosis comes up with more frequency in day to day at the clinics.
Online Medical Dictionary - Neurosis
Neurosis essentially means a level of disturbance and distress of the mind and also to some extent of the body. Patients with such presentations are very commonly observed at the cabin of the General Practitioners when people prefer to visit the nearby doctor before visiting a Physician.
There are yet some bodily level diseases which are termed as "Neurotic". Here we are explaining the details of the term - Neurosis, which refer to the distress calls of the people even when there are no pathological, disease point of view observations found in the reports.when and how to term as Neurosis