Dysphonia: Treatment And Prevention, Relaxation, Respiration, Muscle Exercising, Vocal Impastation

Dysphonia is a neurological disorder which affects the vocal organs and hence the voice. An article detailing the prevention, treatment and exercises for Dysphonia.

Dysphonia: Treatment And Prevention

Treatment for Dysphonia

Although treatment depends on the type of dysphonia, the fundamental steps are usually:

1. Relaxation: total or partial. You can use different techniques.

a) Total: working the whole body relaxation and also raising the mental level.
b) Partial: working separately each body part or area that we see is more contrast and affect voice production.

For relaxation, especially of the shoulders, neck, larynx and face massage is typically used.
Anyway it should be borne in mind that the dysphonia caused by a relaxation of the muscles of the larynx does not work relaxation and would exacerbate the problem.

2. Respiration

It is one of the most important stages in the treatment as it is often the cause or one of the aspects that most influence dysphonias.
He began working with the patient lying to subsequently move to the sitting position and finally standing.

The type of breathing that is striving diagrammatical cost since it is allowing greater inspiration and expiration of air and increases the patient's lung capacity.

At this stage of treatment is also often introduce phonatory exercises during expiration.

3. Muscle Exercising: bucofonatorio system and associated musculature
At this stage we work through exercises and massage the muscles of the shoulders, neck and face.
These exercises are a kind of "gym" where, for example, the patient must move his neck toward right-left, rotate ... or open-close mouth excessively, place the tongue in a certain position, etc.

4. Vocal Impastation

It is the last phase of treatment and the culmination of this. It teaches the patient to Fonar (lead vocals, speak) properly timed breathing and the movements of the mouth, neck, ... necessary to avoid unnecessary muscle contraction and implementation of guidelines that are wrong that led to dysphonia.

Instruct the patient to hear his voice and broadcast on the tone and intensity more optimal for him.

But the most important treatment is to teach the patient to monitor and control their vocal hygiene and bad habits as they are often the main cause of the dysphonia and if you do not remove the treatment will be ineffective.

Prevention of Dysphonia

Can be approached from the avoidance and / or elimination of:

External agents: snuff, alcohol, harmful gases (lacquers, dyes, food and beverage ,...), strong or too hot or cold, certain medicines, very hot or cold, sudden temperature changes, noisy environments requiring force voice, stress ...

1. Bad habits:

• Mouth breathing
• speak more loudly or in an inappropriate tone,
• "hawk" or cough frequently
• forcing the voice when it is not good
• scream, cry frequently, ...
• whispered speech
• talk while doing heavy physical effort (eg, lift or move some weight)

Most of these habits can be corrected or amended so that, if given, injury to the larynx as low as possible.

2. Correct habits:

• maintaining good hydration of the vocal drinking water, gargling, taking fumes, ...
• in people who need to talk much to his profession have periods of rest and not force the voice
• correct posture
• eating right
• Minimum 8 hours daily sleep
• relaxation

The most important thing is that the patient is aware of how they speak and what guidelines to follow to do so try to avoid or correct those who do not succeed.

Likewise it should raise awareness of the importance of their voice and their incorporation into everyday life in a series of habits to care for and improve it.

Disclaimer: Please consult a medical practitioner before using sensitive information. Neither the site nor the author will be responsible for losses or damages resulting out of the use of this article.


Author: Umesh Chandra Bhatt26 Apr 2020 Member Level: Silver   Points : 3

This is a very interesting article on a specific condition. Any defect or abberation in vocal parts can be corrected with breath control. In our old natural system of Ayurveda breath control is considered the most important part of Yoga and Pranayam. It is imperative that people having such problems should try Yoga for relaxation as a therapy to cure this peculiar ailment.

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