What Steps To Take When Faced With A Heart Attack?
Due to the lack of knowledge of the primary health care education and awareness in our country, heart attacks often take tolls of many lives. Whereas, lives could well be saved by adopting some means of life saving measures. People often commit blunders in a huff during such situations that augment the chances of the death of patients. What exactly must be done under such circumstances forms the subject matter of this editorial.
When there is a heart attack, the patient could be saved by immediately giving him analgesics like sorbitrate, aspirin and despirin or pain killers added with massaging of heart and the artificial respiration (CPR) then rushing him to the cardiology section of a hospital.Heart attack is the cruellest murderer
It is quite common to suffer heart attack when life is so difficult to live in such a world so full of worries and tension. Despite being this, majority of us don't know what has to be done when heart attack happens to self or to some dear and near ones. It has been generally observed that when the situation comes in, some such mistakes get committed by self or the relatives unknowingly that aggravates the situation more threatening the life to the brinks of dangerous points. Today, the heart attack has emerged as the cruellest murderer, it is quite imperative for us to know that what must be done in such situations. Lack awareness and knowledge of heart attack symptoms
Generally people cannot distinguish the heart attack from a gas attack. The patient is carried over to the general physician for treatment taking it to be a case of acidity, gas and indigestion and much of the precious time is lost in the process. Around 80% of patients reach to the Doctor when the damage is already enormously done to the heart due to the heart attack. In most of the cases if of serious heart attacks, the survival probability of the patients remain jut for an hour or so. If the patient under such serious condition is rushed to a hospital well equipped with the state of the art medical technological system, there are every chances of the survival of the patients. The patient has the highest survival probability if in the meantime until rushed to the hospital, he is treated with the life saving drugs and massaging of heart added and abetted with artificial respiration (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation). But due to the ignorance and lack of awareness about the primary treatment methods prevalent widespread amongst our people, the relatives of the patient cannot help the patient out of the looming dangers. Knowing the symptoms of heart attack
In the medical parlance, the heart attack is termed as Myocardial Infraction which actually is the death of some heart muscles caused by the blockage of blood supplies. Normally the blood supplies to heart stops in blood artery supplying the blood to heart owing to aggregation into it of blood clots and cholesterol. Due to the death of some of the heart muscles, excruciating pain arises in the chest. Due to the death of muscles, electrical instabilities obtain in the heart tissues. When there arise electrical instability there follow either the irregularity in the heart beat or the stoppage of the heart beating. This incapacitates the heart rendering it totally unable to send pure blood to the brain as well to the other parts of body. Under such circumstances, if the blood circulation is restarted within a span of 5 minutes also, much damage to the brain is already caused resulting into the death of the patients. What happens when the heart attack begins?
The role of the correct diagnosis of the heart attack in the matter of saving the life of the patient is of utmost importance. Intense pain rises in the chest during the times of the heart attack Myocardinal Infraction spreading into exactly the middle of the chest. In some persons, this pain expands on both the side of their chests. But in most of the person's cases, it expands the most on their left sides. This pain could reach to hands, and fingers, shoulders neck, jaws and back. Oftentimes the pain could rise from the upper portion of stomach instead of chest. But the pain below the naval or above the neck is not at all indicative of a heart attack. The intensity of pain and its limitations vary from person to person. Some patients feel unbearable pain while some don't feel it at all such as some patients suffering particularly diabetic or high blood pressure in whom heart attack occurs without any symptoms or warning. In some patients experience swelling of breathes, vomiting, sweating etc in addition to the pain.
How the heart patients are handled when landing into the hospital?
The patient at once should be made to lie on the floor after the herat attack occurs and it should be checked whether his heart is beating and the nerve is running or not. If the patient is in his senses, then nitro-glycerine, aspirin, despirin or any other analgesic medicine in one or two numbers should quickly be put below his tongue. This will relieve the patient from the excruciating pain he is suffering from and his anxiety level decreases also. In a serious situation, when the patient becomes senseless and breathe is not running, the chest of the patient should be massaged. By sticking the mouth to the mouth of the patient artificial resuscitation should be undertaken which in the medical parlance is called Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation which is immensely effective in saving the life of the patient in distress.
After the patient reaches to the hospital, the first endeavour that the attending Doctors make is to open up the blocked artery and to restore the repraution (blood circulation) in the heart's muscles. Due to the opening up of the blocked artery, the patient gets relief from the excruciating pain, and the danger hovering looming large on his life decreases. Now a days, to open up the blocked blood artery, Balloon Angioplasty named technique is much in vogue. What to do when the heart patient is in senses?
Keep a constant tab on his breathing.
What to do when the patient is senseless?
What not to do?
I think, you have by not become full aware enough to save the life when faced with a heart case. Be blissfull.
This article has depicted some good tips to handle the heart attack situation. It is said that heart attack is a silent creeper and when it comes there is no time to protect the patient from its threat. It is imperative that people should be careful in this matter and go for routine heart tests so that preventive actions could be taken in time rather then waiting for the severe consequences in one's life. Those who keep a good life style and do regular exercises and avoid oily and fatty foods usually can control their blood pressures and heart related ailments to a good level. Yoga and Pranayam are also said to be beneficial to the people in avoiding heart ailment. The key in essence is keeping a good life style.