Who should use fish oil supplements?

While fish oil supplements are gaining lot of attention, many people are concerned if they really need the Omega 3 from fish oil supplements. This article talks about who should use fish oils and other Omega 3 supplements, considering the benefits and risks involved.

Fish oils and other omega 3 supplements are getting lot of attention recently in the health awareness programs. A large number of fish oil supplements are available in the market. At the same, concerns on the side effects of toxins, chemicals and other contaminations in the fish oil supplements are becoming a matter of concern.

What is Omega 3?

Omega 3 is an Essential Fatty acid helpful for the proper growth of body organs. They are naturally found in sea food and is part of many other fish products. Fish oil supplements are extracted from fish that contain large amount of Omega 3, which are meant for providing sufficient amount of Omega 3 for humans.

Natural Omega 3 from sea food

Many sea fish like tuna, salmon, sardines etc contain a good amount of Omega 3. If you love fish, you don't need to look anywhere else for Omega 3. Consume lot of fish that contain Omega 3 to get sufficient amount of Omega 3 for your body.

Why should I use Fish oil supplements?

Sea food can provide you sufficient amount of Omega 3. However, in order to get reasonable amount of Omega 3 for your body, you may need to consume a large volume of fish. Many times it may not be practical to eat so much volume of fish for various reasons including personal taste, availability of the right type of fish, price etc.

Here come fish oil supplements to save you. You can buy fish oils anytime and keep it for months. It is always available in the market, no matter what season it is. A couple of concentrated, ultra purified fish oil capsules can get you the same benefits of eating a real fish.

Who should use fish oil supplements?

1. Vegetarian people can eat fish oil capsules to get the Omega 3.

2. People who do not like the taste of fish or who cannot use lot of fish for various other reasons can use fish oil capsules. There are many fish oil capsules available in the market which are odorless and have virtually no fish taste or smell.

3. People with high cholesterol can use fish oil instead of or in addition to cholesterol medication. Studies show that Omega3 from fish oils can reduce Triglycerides, which is known to be one of the reasons for heart deceases.

4. Children can consume oil supplements to help brain development. Small amount of fish oil supplements are safe for children. There are various other health benefits of fish oil.

While fish oil supplements are a healthy choice for many of us, there are some cases where they are not the right option. Learn more about who should not use fish oils.


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