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Non-dairy foods that prevent calcium deficiency

Calcium is essential not just for our bones and teeth, but also for our heart, muscles, nerves and blood. It is also one mineral that we generally do not get enough of. Dairy products are considered to be rich source of calcium, but there are many other foods that give you calcium as well. Come discover the foods that give you calcium.

Side effects of fish oils

Fish oil supplements are becoming very popular these days among health conscious people. This article talks about some side effects of consuming fish oils.

Who should use fish oil supplements?

While fish oil supplements are gaining lot of attention, many people are concerned if they really need the Omega 3 from fish oil supplements. This article talks about who should use fish oils and other Omega 3 supplements, considering the benefits and risks involved.

Is fish oils safe ?

While fish oils are becoming popular as a heart healthy omega-3 supplement, many people are concerned about the long term side effects. This article discusses various potential side effects of fish oil in the short term as well as long term.

IFOS certified mark and fish oil quality

IFOS has strict rules on awarding the IFOS certified mark on a fish oil batch. However, you may be surprised to know that not all fish oil batches that carry the IFOS certification mark are necessarily verified and certified by IFOS.

International Fish Oil Standards

In this article, I will talk about the International Fish Oil Standards and how it is useful in choosing the best fish oils. Also, in one of the coming articles I list various IFOS certified fish oils and their relative merits.

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