Diagnosis of Mesothelioma
This article gives complete information on diagnosing mesothelioma and diagnostic methods of mesothelioma.
Like any disease, a patient showing possible symptoms of Mesothelioma will first be asked to provide details of past medical status. One of the first questions that will be asked by the specialist is whether the patient has been exposed to an environment where asbestos is dominant. That is, he will be asked if he works in a sector that involves asbestos or whether a family member does so. Detailed Diagnosis of Mesothelioma
Besides the usual X-rays, the mesothelioma patient is generally asked to undergo a CAT scan or an MRI. These scans give very clear images of the body's interiors and will help the specialist in diagnosing mesothelioma.
An important feature in diagnosing mesothelioma is the biopsy of the organ suspected to have been affected by mesothelioma. In basic terms, a biopsy is simply removing a small part of a tissue of the affected organ. In some cases, if a large tissue sample is required, it is possible that a surgery is performed to obtain it.
Once mesothelioma comes to light as a result of the various tests and biopsy, the patient undergoes further tests to find out if mesothelioma has gone on a rampage within the body. If this is the case, then it is considered to be an advanced stage of mesothelioma.
Note: The author of this article is not a medical expert & readers are advised to consult a specialist for information on mesothelioma.