This article gives complete information on Mesothelioma and how mesothelioma begins.
Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease of the Mesothelium. How Mesothelioma Occurs
Taking the analogy of peas in a pod: when you split open the pod to remove the peas, you will have noted how the peas pop out and go hither and thither when you hit the pod too hard; the peas are falling all over your lap, the table, the floor… Now imagine the cells in the mesothelium going here and there as a result of being hit by an external damaging force. Like the peas, those cells go on a rampage, harming adjoining organs and tissues. Even worse, those cells can spread to other areas within the body.
You will probably wonder: where does Mesothelioma first start? It has been noticed that Mesothelioma generally first pops up in the lungs or chest cavity, or in the abdomen.
How does Mesothelioma start? As explained earlier, Mesothelioma starts when a damaging force hits the mesothelium cells. This damaging force is asbestos. Click here for more information: Causes & Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Note: The author of this article is not a medical expert & readers are advised to consult a specialist for information on mesothelioma.