Mesothelioma Treatments
This article gives complete information on the treatments of Mesothelioma and controlling pain of mesothelioma.
Once a patient is correctly diagnosed as having Mesothelioma, treatment of Mesothelioma can begin at the hands of a specialist. Treatments of Mesothelioma
A number of factors are considered before treatment of mesothelioma begins:
1. Overall health of the patient diagnosed with mesothelioma
2. Age of the patient diagnosed with mesothelioma
3. Exact location within the body where mesothelioma has occured
4. Whether mesothelioma is concentrated in one region of the body or is in an advanced stage.
There are 3 regular treatments of mesothelioma:
1. Mesothelioma Surgery: Treating mesothelioma with surgery may involve removing part of the tissue around the affected organ and/or part of the affected organ or perhaps the entire organ itself.
2. Mesothelioma Radiation Therapy: Treating mesothelioma with radiation therapy involves destroying or shrinking the affected cells with special rays.
3. Mesothelioma Chemotherapy: Treating mesothelioma with chemotherapy involves the intravenous (IV in short form) intake of anti-cancer drugs.
Control of Mesothelioma Pain: One of the general ways to control pain caused by mesothelioma is to drain the fluid that gets accumulated in the affected organ. Naturally, this procedure is to be done by a specialist only. The specialist may also infuse anti-cancer drugs into the organ via a tube to stop excessive fluid from building up inside the affected organ.
Note: The author of this article is not a medical expert & readers are advised to consult a specialist for information on mesothelioma.