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Mumps: Clinical Features, Complications, Prevention & Treatment.

Mumps is an acute viral disease spread by droplet infection. It affects mainly children of school age and young adults. The disease is characterised by pain and swelling commonly bilateral than unilateral of the parotid salivary glands. The infectivity rate of mumps is low and serologically 30 to 40 percent of infections are clinically inapparent. The infecion is more common during late winter and spring.

Measles or Rubeola: Clinical Features, Risk factors, Complications and Prophylaxis.

Measles or Rubeola is a highly contageous respiratory tract infection caused by measles virus. Measles is also known as Morbilli. The disease causes a total body skin rash and influenza like symptoms including fever, cough, conjuntivitis and runny nose. Measles is prevalent during the first six months of the year with a peak incidence in March. The incubation period is about 10 days to the commencement of the catarrhal stage.

Chickenpox or Varicella: Clinical Features, Complications and Treatment.

Chickenpox is a highly infectious disease caused by virus varicella zoster a member of herpes zoster family which appears to be due to reactivation of a latent infection with chickenpox virus. The disease usually begins with vesicular skin rash mainly on the head and body rather than at the periphery which becomes itchy, raw pock marks and often heals without scar. On examination lesions of chickenpox are seen at various stages of healing.

What is Hepatitis E or ET-Non A Non B Hepatitis and its Epidemiological features?

Hepatitis E or Enterically transmitted Non A Non B (ET-Non A Non B) heptitis is a viral infection commonly caused by use of contaminated drinking water with sewage through faeco-oral route and person to person among household contacts. It is the most common cause of Hepatitis in the South East Asia & the Indian subcontinents.It occurs in two epidemiological forms,the epidemic and the sporadic hepatitis.

What is Hepatitis in Pregnancy its consequences in Mother and in Neonate?

Hepatitis in majority of cases is a viral infection of liver with inflammation and necrosis of hepatic cells causing clinical, biological and histological changes. In prenancy jaundice may occur due to hepatic and non hepatic causes. There are certain specific conditions like cholestatic jaundice & acute fatty liver occur in pregnancy.

What is Serum Hepatitis or Hepatitis B? Mode of transmission of Hepatit and its signs and symptoms.

Serum Hepatitis or Hepatitis B is a systemic viral infection with inflammation of liver and necrosis of liver cells which leads to clinical, biochemical, and histological changes. It is a major health problem throughout the world affecting several hundred millions of persons every year.It is responsible for large number of morbidity & mortality both from acute infection & from its complications.There is no animal reservoir of serum hepatitis seen sofar.

What is Poliomyelitis and its clinical features

Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by group of polio virus which enter in the body by droplet infection through nasopharynx. It is also transmitted through faeco oral route and enters the body by contaminated water, food and milk etc.In this article you also read about clinical appearance, types and prevention of poliomyelitis.

Eye Flu Care and Prevention Tips

Eye Flu is the Common disease. Flu does not float in the air. It sticks to the snot we blow out of our nose or sneeze into our hands. When we touch something that a sick person touched. View the Prevention and care tips of Eye Flu and safe from flu are given below

New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamases (NDM) producing bacteria New Delhi Metallo 1

This articles highlights on the origin of New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamases (NDM) gene present in enterobacteriaceae and said to be resistant against all commonly used antibiotics.

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